Intersectionality in #Metoo
Above is a group of trans women shared their #Metoo sexual assault experience. This video shows the blind spot in the #Metoo movement, and the intersectionality trans women are facing.
Intersectionality describes the overlapping social justice problems people are facing.
It is first developed by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, and she used this term apply to black women, they are facing both racism and sexism in the feminist movement.
Sociologist Patricia Hill Collins developed Crenshaw’s work, she increased the general applicability of her theory from African American women to all women and bound together with more social systems.
The Queer Theory
Queer theory mainly argues about the very “naturalness” of gender and, by extension, the fictions supporting compulsory heterosexuality.
Judith Butler, she argues that both biological sex and gender are created by culture. Gender works in the same way as performative languages.
The performance of gender creates the illusion of a prior substantiality- a core gendered self- and construes the effect of the performative ritual of gender.
Trans women in the #Metoo Movement
Trans women are so much more vulnerable than cis women: they not only experience unwanted sexual advances and provocations, but they are also at risk of being physically assaulted or murdered.
#MeToo continues to spread awareness of the extent and degree of cisgender women’s experiences of toxic masculinity and erased other gender identities.
People who have the LGBTQ identity have experienced gender-based violence. Trans women are attacked seem as not belonging to a binary gender, but cisgender men.
Trans women are experiencing victim blaming as women, but because of their transgender, it adds another layer of oppression, which is intersectionality.
When privilege white women within the Hollywood co-operating in the #Metoo movement, it erased other women who are facing intersectionality and change it to another narrative.
It is important for us to hear from the people who have barriers to speak and being silenced in the conversation.
#Metoo movement should be more inclusive, if one of the in-group members is excluded, there is no real justice.